A Flagship Tea Grown by Umami Obsessives. Unique methods hit upon through trial and error are used to bring out umami.

Farmer: Mr. Atsushi Gōda
Majored in space engineering at Kyushu's leading technical university. After graduation, he took over as the fifth generation of his family to manage Gōda Seicha, which has been in operation since the Meiji era in the late 19th century. Managing the entire process, from growing tea leaves to packaging, at his tea farm, unique flavors are created through his inquisitive attitude and uncompromising craftsmanship.

Japan is made up of four major islands. Kyushu is the name of the island located in the southwestern part of the country, and it is home to Fukuoka Prefecture, the most populous prefecture in the region. In the rolling hills near the center of Yame, beautiful tea farms sprawl all through the area, attracting visitors and tourists with its breathtaking view.